What if 'Wayne's World' met '30 Rock' in Iqaluit?
Stacey Aglok Macdonald says there's something special about creating a show about the North in the North
Stacey Aglok Macdonald and her rag-tag team didn't know anything about making a TV show before shooting their first season of Qanurli. "We Googled a lot," she admits.
The low-budget outfit, currently shooting its six season, bills itself as "Wayne's World meets 30 Rock" held together with "a lot of duct tape and cardboard."

It's also entirely in Inuktitut (with English subtitles). With more and more youth only speaking English, Stacey hopes that this effort to make Inuit languages "cooler" will mean more interest in learning them.
For Stacey, there's something special about creating a show about the North in the North. People always tell her that she needs to move to southern Canada if she wants to make it as a producer, but she doesn't give it a thought.
"I'll spend the rest of my life in the North... I just love it here."
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