These miniature houseplants look like they could actually be the real thing
Miniaturist Hannah Lemon makes houseplants out of clay and they are stunning
"I love houseplants in real life, I'm obsessed with them and I got into making houseplants with clay and that has become my signature," says U.K. artist Hannah Lemon.
Lemon is a photographer who revisited her childhood passion for all things small during the lockdown. Half-Japanese, she grew up in Japan where she always struggled to fit in. But Lemon found a home in the maker community, "miniatures is something that gave me a little bit of confidence and I realized I could express my personality."
"I love the harmony of nature and human spaces," says Lemon, "and if I make it really really small and I can hold it in my hand that's going to be so cute."
Find her on Instagram @hannahlemon_art
Watch Hannah Lemon on Season 2 of Best in Miniature.