Something was fishy about the Phelps vs. shark showdown
Olympic swimmer ends up racing a simulation instead of a real great white

Michael Phelps is the fastest swimmer in the world. It would be a shame if something just turned up, out of the blue, to challenge his supremacy.
Live look in at Michael Phelps preparing to battle his greatest opponent The Great White Shark<a href="">#SharkWeek2017</a> <a href=""></a>
Discovery Channel's annual Shark Week featured the long-awaited race between the American Olympic champion and a great white shark on Sunday night. While the outcome seemed obvious, the intrigue was still there.
When you know damn well he can't beat that shark. But you interested <a href="">#SharkWeek</a> <a href=""></a>
After 45 minutes of science, suspense, and very believable graphics...
<a href="">#PhelpsVShark</a> fo real?!?!<br><br>This graphic is HILARIOUS!!!<br><br>Have fun and <a href="">#SharkWeek</a> responsibly! <a href=""></a>
...the end result was rather anticlimactic.
Nice breach MP <a href="">#sharkweek</a> <a href="">#behindthescenes</a> <a href=""></a>
Fans were hoping to catch a glimpse of Phelps racing alongside a real shark but the constant use of holograms had some fans smelling something fishy. Turns out it was all just a simulation.
My face when I realized they weren't going to put Michael Phelps in one lane and a shark in the other. <a href="">#SharkWeek</a> <a href="">#PhelpsVsShark</a> <a href=""></a>
Don't say Phelps is racing a shark if you're not going to put him against an actual shark <a href="">#PhelpsVsShark</a> <a href="">#SharkWeek</a> <a href=""></a>
Nevertheless, after putting on a special wet suit and a high-tech fin, it was "race time" for Phelps. And he won!
Nah, we're just pulling your leg. He lost by two seconds.
Phelps lost to a digital shark. <a href="">#SharkWeek</a> <a href="">#PhelpsVsShark</a> <a href=""></a>
The great white's killer speed was just too much for the most decorated Olympian of all time.
The moment of glory for <a href="">#TeamShark</a>!!! <a href="">#PhelpsVsShark</a> <a href="">#SharkWeek</a> <a href=""></a>
And while most of the Internet was up in arms over Phelps not actually racing a live shark, we at least came away from the experience with a glorious new gif.
When you switch the channel to "embrace debate" <a href=""></a>