Kids in the Hall's Scott Thompson on reprising his role as Buddy Cole

Buddy Cole was one of the most memorable characters to ever come out of The Kids in the Hall. He was also one of the first openly gay characters in comedy on television.
Scott Thompson brought the character to life and has introduced Buddy to audiences all across North America, starting with The Kids in the Hall, and then years later on Stephen Colbert's Colbert Report when Buddy became a correspondent.

Now, Thompson is bringing Buddy to the stage, on tour in a new show called Après Le Déluge: The Buddy Cole Monologues. A lot of fans got to know Buddy even better about 20 years ago, when Thompson and his writing partner Paul Bellini published Buddy Babylon: The Autobiography of Buddy Cole, a fictional account of Buddy's life story. Thompson is now re-releasing his Buddy bible with some brand new chapters.
Today, Thompson joins Tom Power live in the q studio to talk about reprising the role of Buddy Cole. You can catch Thompson live on Saturday, May 26 in Toronto at the Royal Cinema performing Après Le Déluge: The Buddy Cole Monologues. The brand new version of his book Buddy Babylon: The Autobiography of Buddy Cole is out now.
— Produced by Vanessa Nigro