Krief combats the microdosage of music with new double album Automanic

When Patrick Krief realized he had over 60 songs written for his new solo album, he contemplated starting anew. But that's not what the Dears guitarist did.
Instead, he sorted the songs into two piles — a red and a blue side — forming the two sides of Krief's new double album, Automanic.
"I'm at that point in my life where there's just so much music coming out of me at once," he says. "One batch felt really familiar to me, as what I've been putting out there as Krief, this kind of dreamy, flowing soundscape vibe [...] but I didn't want that to be the only statement because there was a departure happening here and the 'red' stuff was more energetic, more assertive, more upbeat."
Death was an omnipresence during this writing and recording period, with a number of Krief's friends and family "dropping all around" him, as he describes.
"It's not a unique situation, everybody goes through it but it's something that does enlighten you," he explains. "It puts a perspective on your life and I wanted to have a positive outcome which was to value my life and start making better decisions about who I allow to be part of it."
WEB EXTRA | Listen to a bonus performance from Krief's q session. Below is the Montreal artist performing "Darkometro" from Automanic.