Monday, Oct. 30, 2017: Denis O'Hare, Patty Schemel and more

Today on q: actor Denis O'Hare, q contributors Amanda Joy and John Semley, artist Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory, and musician Patty Schemel.
Today on q: actor Denis O'Hare, q contributors Amanda Joy and John Semley, artist Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory, and musician Patty Schemel. (Getty Images, Elysha Poirier, Getty Images)

Today on q, hosted by Tom Power: (1) Denis O'Hare's transformation into Edgar Allen Poe; (2) how horror films are finding big audiences again; (3) Laakkuluk Williamson Bathory's musical tribute to Iqaluit; (4) Patty Schemel opens up about drumming, addiction and Hole in new memoir; (5) Margo Price, Hole and more: music from today's episode.