Making money not count

When Out in the Open producer Lisa Bryn Rundle tried to think of someone in her life who did not let money define them, her dog walker Nancy McKnight popped into her head.
"Every morning I wake up and I consciously say I am financially free, as a positive affirmation," says Nancy, "and I found that very excellent for me."
Nancy worked for 25 years as a dental hygienist and made "phenomenal money", but the more money she had the more she found she worried about it.
"If happiness was my highest goal, and I was making a really excellent wage and I was still up at night worrying about money, I had to rethink how to attain my happiness goal."
For Nancy, she feels the most free when she's with small children and any kind of animal.
"I really feel it helps [keep me] very grounded. The priorities are totally changed, they're so unjudgemental."
Nancy says she has total peace being undefined by money and that she has "total confidence that no matter what the more you give the more you get."