Because News

When kids pretend to be politicians, can you guess who's who?

Kids try to stump on our panel on some of the most quotable moments from the federal election.
Margaret and Justin Trudeau get ready to leave on a train for their holiday, July 19, 1972. (Peter Bregg/Canadian Press)

The aftermath of the election included lots of quotable moments from the winners, the losers and the bystanders.

Because News panellists Mike Bullard, Ashley Botting and Anand Rajaram were quizzed on who said what.

Have a listen to the audio to see how they did, but first take a guess for yourself.

Responsible for your disappointment

"The disappointment you also feel is my responsibility and mine alone" was one memorable quote from election night.

Do you know who said it?

Check your answer.

Here's a hint: "I couldn't believe he took full responsibility for something," said Botting.

"I was aghast because I was like 'oh, you have human emotions, where have they been?'"

Change is lethal

"When the time for change strikes, it's lethal. I ran and was successful because I wasn't Pierre Trudeau."

This one stumped the panel. Did it stump you? Check your answer.

We'll give you a hint — the speaker wasn't Justin Trudeau as Botting thought.

Never again, never again

The final quote is "I slammed the door dramatically when I left 24 Sussex and sort of did the Scarlett O'Hara thing. Never again, never again!  Well, I'll eat my words."

The answer came quick to the panel. Did you get the answer right?

#Trudeaumance: romancing the Prime Minister

In the wake of the election, the world is focused on Justin Trudeau's good looks. Keeping with that theme, we introduced this week's hashtag game — #trudeaumance.

We take a romance title from a book or a film, and turn it into a syrupy, mapley Trudeaumance.