Because News

Nov. 28, 2015: Archie Bunker for president and Patti LaBelle's pie

Barbara Kay, Tom Howell and Aisha Alfa star in this week's news quiz.
We loved how Belgium responded to a police lock down. We just discovered that Canada Thanksgiving completely missed out on Piecaken, and we're over Black Friday (and Cyber Monday too).

The comments coming out of the U.S. Republican presidential race have been outrageous. This week the Because News panel tries to guess who said it: a Republican candidate or Archie Bunker of All In The Family.

Which rap song did the RCMP use to warn drivers about the icy roads in Saskatchewan? Hear Aisha Alfa sing it.

And our panel dances "The Bird Dance" — a performance that we think is worthy of Canada's Walk of Fame.

Because News.

Do you still need something to get you through this week's headlines? This week we turned to James Wright Chanel's review of Patti Labelle's sweet potato pie for our #getsmethru. Seriously, this man knows how to sell a pie.

This week on the panel:

Gavin Crawford, Tom Howell, Aisha Alfa and Barbara Kay relax once the quiz is over. (Richard Trus/CBC)