As It Happens: Tuesday Edition
Part One
MMIWG Lawyer
Métis lawyer Breen Ouellette says the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls is "speeding toward failure" — and tonight, he'll tell us about his decision to resign.
Jazz Fest Controversy
One major artist won't appear at the Montreal Jazz Festival, and protesters will keep showing up — because of a show that features a group of mostly white people singing Black slave songs.
Lightning BBQ
While he's taking video of himself doing some long-weekend barbecuing, a take-charge Ottawa man very nearly takes a lethal charge — when lightning strikes shockingly nearby.
Part Two
Marine Mammals Arctic
Climate change has introduced new routes for the global shipping industry — which has introduced new dangers to the marine mammals who live there.
Polish Judge
Under Poland's new legislation, nearly half the country's Supreme Court will be forced to retire — and one justice who'll keep his job says his colleagues should keep theirs.