Jonathan Franzen explores 'disturbed states of mind' in his novel 'Purity'

In Jonathan Franzen's latest novel Purity a character named Andreas Wolf asks, "How do you know that you're a person, distinct from other people? By keeping certain things to yourself."
Wolf is behind a WikiLeaks-like enterprise called The Sunlight Project. A man who's obsessed with secrets -- revealing other people's secrets while carefully guarding his own. He's speaking to the title character, Pip -- full name Purity -- a woman who also has a very complicated relationship with secrets. Throughout the book, she's trying desperately to solve the great secret of her life. Little knowing that she, herself, is someone else's secret.

Franzen joined Carol in studio to discuss his bestselling work of fiction that addresses the way we live now, through a medium whose future has been questioned since the dawn of television -- and continues to be questioned in the age of the Internet.
To hear the full feature length interview please click on the Listen audio link above.