As It Happens: Thursday Edition
Part One
Afghan hostage parents
They haven't met their grandchildren — but they've seen them in a hostage video. Linda and Patrick Boyle share the heartbreak of having their son, their daughter-in-law — and now, their two grandchildren — held captive in Afghanistan.
Berlin market follow-up: MP
There's a big reward out for the man suspected of the truck attack on the Berlin Christmas market — and a lot of questions about why he was free to drive that truck in the first place.
Torn pants MP
Members of Parliament are lining their pockets — but only to protect them from the chairs in the House of Commons, which keep tearing people's trousers.
Part Two
Trump nuclear tweet
Russian president Vladimir Putin and U.S. president-elect Donald Trump are suddenly both keen to restart the arms race — but our guest does not share their enthusiasm.
Reading: The Gift of the Magi
What do you get for the person who has almost nothing? And what do you give to get it? Jim and Della exchange much more than gift cards tonight — when we present Fireside Al's reading of "The Gift of the Magi."
Part Three
As it Happened: The Paper Episode redux
We return to the fold, and the unfolded, on tonight's trip into the "As It Happens" archives — with stories about paper used for messages, used for cookbooks, and — in one case — used as cannons.