Hello Spring

In Canada, spring has sprung, the grass has riz — except for where it hasn't #HelloSpringCBC

Your first photos from across Canada! Spring doesn’t look the same everywhere. While cherry blossoms bloomed in some parts of the country, Canadians also shared classic scenes of April snow and ice.

Thank you for sharing your photos from across Canada! Spring doesn’t look the same everywhere.

Do these look like pictures of spring to you? Depends where you live. (Laurette Fellows, Joan Brewerton, Shelley Hancock)

Canada's a great and vast country, and as a result, spring looks different in different parts of the country. In some places, it's lush and green. In others it's still snowy — although more light helps lift moods. And still other parts of this country have a series of false springs, where winter keeps coming back like the villain in a horror film from the 1980s.

We asked Canadians what spring looked like where they live, and here's what they showed us.


It's blossom season in Vancouver.

Apparently it's also hummingbird season?

OK enough, B.C. You're making the rest of the country jealous.


Ice on the water in the Thickwood Hills, near Krydor, SK. (Joan Brewerton)

There's still ice on the lake in Saskatchewan.

The swans don't seem too bothered by it.

Hey. Nice hare.


20 cm of snow. That's springtime in Winnipeg for you. (Laurette Fellows)

Meanwhile, in Winnipeg…

At least some people are making the best of it!


That fog makes you look very mysterious, Toronto. 

Hail is confusing if you're a dog. It's not not confusing if you're a person.

The trees are still bare in Hamilton, but that sun is amazing!


Eagle tracks on a river bank in Fredericton. You know who doesn't mind a cold spring? Eagles, apparently. 


Daffodils are a universal sign of spring. Talk about a flower that can totally reset your mood.


Easter morning in P.E.I. (Shelley Hancock)

P.E.I. is somehow making subzero Easter look scenic.


An unnamed gully filles with snowmelt and rain in Butterpot Provincial Park, near Hollyrood, NL. (Tom Fowler)

Butterpot Provincial Park is a great name for a provincial park. Looking good, Newfoundland.

We love getting a chance to see spring in your part of Canada! Keep showing us what spring looks like where you are, and keep using the hashtag #HelloSpringCBC on Twitter and Instagram

Click here for more scenes from spring across the country. Show us your spring with the hashtag #HelloSpringCBC.