'Oodles of canoe-dles' and 4 other only-in-Canada valentines
Want to win a Canadian's heart? We're here to help.

Looking for a Canadian Valentine's Day card for your sweetheart?
Here are five valentine's cards that are as sweet — and as Canadian — as maple syrup. Click the title to open a printable jpeg (plus: if you've got an only-in-Canada way to woo, let us know in the comments below).
These Canadian valentines were designed and illustrated by Joe Osei Bonsu.
I want to curl into you
Curling originated in Scotland, but it took hold in Canada like a broom to ice. We have the oldest curling club in North America — The Royal Montreal Curling Club (est. 1807) — and the most gold (and overall) Olympic medals in the sport.
Pat Benatar sang Love is a Battlefield — but if you're more likely to say love is a bonspiel, then this Valentine's for you.

I'm so plaid I found you
For the lumbersexual in your life!
Officially, the maple leaf tartan was proclaimed an emblem of Canada in just 2011, but provinces and territories (except Nunavut) have been declaring their regional tartans ever since 1956, when Nova Scotia was the first to do so.
Unofficially, many Canadians just love plaid.

We go together like… cheese curds and gravy
...and fries.
Only in Canada does poutine hold such an important place in so many hearts. Originating in Quebec, the tasty dish has been declared a national dish by some — although it's never quite caught on the same way outside Canada's borders.

I'd give you oodles of canoe-dles
Pierre Berton once wrote, "A true Canadian is one who can make love in a canoe without tipping." We can't officially recommend canoe-dling, but we do suggest keeping your life jacket on…
This valentine is for the one who most floats your boat.

You tuque my heart away
Never mind that most of us can't decide on the spelling in the first place, or that "tuque" isn't even in the Canadian Oxford Dictionary. We can agree that nothing warms our heads and hearts like the classic Canadian cap.
Since February is the dead of winter in most of Canada, get cozy with this card for your valentine.