High-ranking Winnipeg official leaving for job at street mission

The chief of staff in Winnipeg Mayor Sam Katz's office is leaving for a job at an inner city mission.
Sherwood Armbruster, who is set to become the chief operating officer at Siloam Mission, said it was a difficult decision, because the past five years with Katz have been some of the best of his life.
But Siloam Mission, and its work to help the city's poor and homeless, is at the heart of Winnipeg, and he is excited about the new opportunity.
Armbruster will move into his new job later this summer.
He is the second high-profile person in the city to recently announce a move to the Siloam fold. About two weeks ago, long-time radio personality Larry Updike said he was leaving his gig at CJOB to become Siloam's senior spokesperson on Sept. 1.