PM at odds with landlord over 24 Sussex repairs

Prime Minister Stephen Harper said he won't leave his official residence at 24 Sussex Drive even though an auditor general's report released Tuesday said urgent repairs to the house are needed.
The National Capital Commission told the auditor general's office that the home, which hasn't had major renovations in 50 years, needs $10 million of work and that the occupants would have to move out for 12 to 15 months to get that work done.
Harper's office responded that the prime minister has no intention of moving out of the official residence until his term is up.
Marie Lemay, the NCC's CEO, said there is no way Harper would be allowed to stay during repairs, given their nature.
"The work is urgent. We need to start having the discussions," she said. "As far as staying in the place as you're removing asbestos … if we're talking about health and safety, we can't allow that."
She said the NCC will try to negotiate a schedule with the prime minister for the best period of time to complete the repairs.
Auditor General Sheila Fraser's report found that the windows, plumbing, electrical systems, heating and air conditioning at 24 Sussex Drive are all in poor to critical condition. In addition, the home has no fire sprinklers and contains asbestos, which has been linked to disease, including lung cancer.