Your horoscope for the week ahead: Slow down and focus on rebuilding your self-confidence
Bryanna Collier | CBC Life | Posted: February 24, 2025 6:03 PM | Last Updated: February 24
Consider how you can strike a balance between feeding your spirit and trying to make the world a better place
Itching to make progress on certain projects of yours? Embracing a can-do attitude will be key to getting things done at the top of this week, especially as speedy Mercury conjuncts structured Saturn in sensitive Pisces on Tuesday. Under this aspect, we often get distracted by our emotions and can risk losing our momentum in the process. Try to keep your eyes on the prize and remember that the answers you seek are likely already within your reach. Reframing your circumstances through a positive lens will help you regain your focus.
On Thursday, the new moon in perceptive Pisces will arrive, urging us to clear our minds and turn our attention toward the future. This is the last new moon before the spring eclipse season, making it an excellent moment to set meaningful intentions. Consider what you'd like to accomplish, and how you might be able to strike a balance between feeding your spirit and working to make the world a better place.
Then, you'll be wise to slow things down when love, money and beauty–ruling Venus stations retrograde in fiery Aries on Saturday. Venus only moves backward once every year and a half, which means we tend to feel the effects of her retrogrades more intensely. Over the next six weeks of this transit, it'll be in your best interest to avoid large purchases, new romantic entanglements or making any drastic changes to your appearance. Instead, use this time to reflect, build self-confidence and invest in your existing bonds.
You may feel driven to start exploring the many mysteries of our world when observant Mercury conjuncts dreamy Neptune in ethereal Pisces on Sunday. Our inner philosophers often come out to play under this influence, putting us in the mood to dive into anything related to spirituality, art and the unknown. Harness this energy to decompress from the events of the week and immerse yourself in activities that bring you closer to the intangible.
Here is your horoscope for the week of Monday, February 24, 2025.
You're known for seeing things with incredible clarity, Aries. And at the start of this week, you could feel driven to channel that ability toward understanding what you need to truly thrive. Set aside time to consider what your ideal routine might look like and what actions you can take to propel you to the next level. Then, as Venus turns retrograde this weekend, you may find yourself studying your image more closely and evaluating how you present yourself to others. While you may be tempted to try out a drastic new look, it's best to focus on making small, mindful changes under this energy. Use this as an opportunity to fall back in love with yourself.
Do you feel like you've lost the plot lately, Taurus? If so, you may find it helpful to take a beat before engaging with others this week. Entering financial or philosophical discussions with friends could feel particularly dizzying during this time; listen carefully before offering your opinion and watch out for competing voices that may attempt to drown out your own. Meanwhile, you could make some exciting strides on the career front by collaborating with people who celebrate your unique point of view. Perhaps linking up with your nearest and dearest will even help you kickstart an empowering new professional chapter.
Don't let distractions get in your way, Gemini. Achieving that big career goal you've been working toward could be within your reach at the beginning of this week, but you may need to tuck yourself away from the world to really hammer out the important details. Then, if you've been putting your social life on the back-burner lately, you might finally feel ready to re-emerge from your cocoon later this week and enjoy some quality time with your nearest and dearest. Remember: your friendships are an essential component of your life — don't miss this chance to nurture them and watch how they grow.
Speak carefully, Cancer. At the beginning of the week, your passionate spirit will be burning extra bright, which could make it difficult for you to express yourself as clearly and concisely as usual. So while you may be particularly eager to share your beliefs and ideas with others during this period, you'll be wise to watch your delivery. Prioritizing listening can also help you avoid bruising egos or pushing any of the wrong buttons. Then, if you've been itching to break out of your usual routines as of late, why not channel this feeling toward planning your next big adventure? This is a brilliant time to chase experiences that allow you to escape the ordinary.
Your attention to detail is unmatched right now, Leo. And at the beginning of this week, you may feel motivated to channel some of that energy toward reviewing your finances and identifying better ways to take care of them. Just be sure to give your loved ones a heads-up before you submerge yourself in paperwork; they'll be eager to provide you with support when you come back up for air. Then, as Venus turns retrograde later in the week, you could start to feel a bit disconnected from your internal compass, especially when it comes to your career. Use this transit to embrace stillness and rekindle your passion as you meditate on what's next.
Want to get more out of your relationships, Virgo? Prioritizing quality time with the people you're closest to could be a great place to start. So at the beginning of this week, don't be afraid to link up with friends, coworkers or romantic interests to catch up, explore common ground and exchange ideas — just be mindful of talking over others as the conversation ramps up. Then, as Venus turns retrograde, you'll be encouraged to start embracing a more budget-conscious mindset and focus on cultivating gratitude for the things you already have. Challenge yourself to only buy what you need during this transit and consider where your desires really come from.
It's time to be upfront about what you want to accomplish, Libra. As one of the zodiac's most accommodating signs, your own needs and desires can sometimes get swept under the rug. But this week, you'll be in a prime position to set a boundary that'll help you protect your peace as you hammer away at your task list. Then, as Venus turns retrograde later in the week, you may notice that your relationships require more maintenance than usual. Remember that your connections require participation on both sides in order to thrive — engaging in honest communication is always worth your time.
Nurture your inner artist, Scorpio. This week will be a beautiful time to bounce ideas off of people you trust and watch your creativity skyrocket. You may even feel driven to collaborate on a passion project or home improvement endeavour that you started mulling over earlier this winter. If you've already been working on something, seize this moment to summon your bravery and share your creation with a friend to get feedback. Then, as Venus turns retrograde later in the week, you'll be called to reprioritize your self-care. Pay attention to your routines over the course of this transit and make space for simple pleasures that satisfy and heal you.
Pay close attention to your domestic responsibilities and expenses, Sagittarius. Shifting dynamics could threaten to shake up your environment at the start of this week, and you'll need to be extra mindful of how you move forward. Remember that securing your foundations warrants careful planning; give yourself some space to gather your focus so that you can navigate all the crucial elements involved. Then, as Venus turns retrograde later in the week, you may begin to feel a bit disconnected from your creativity. Take this as a sign to experiment with a new medium, reflect on your work or challenge yourself to focus on simplicity.
Jot down what you want to achieve, Capricorn. You'll likely need a written reminder to keep you on task at the start of the week, as a flurry of activity could hit you from all angles. Protect yourself against potential interruptions by creating a schedule with a clear agenda. Remember that the more detailed your to-do list, the more you're likely to accomplish. Then, once you've made some progress toward your goals, you'll be able to carve out more time for projects that stimulate your active mind. You may even feel called to take a class or experiment with a new hobby — get comfortable with being a beginner and enjoying the ride.
Do you feel out of your element, Aquarius? At the beginning of this week, you'll be called to come back down to earth and spend some time evaluating your relationship with security and the material realm. You may even feel inspired to experiment with new financial practices or habits; don't miss this chance to invest in your future. Then, as Venus turns retrograde, you might feel called to spend more time in solitude and find that you prefer the pleasure of your own company to the busyness of the outside world. Use this downtime to consider what truly pleases you and commit to nurturing your connections with your loved ones.
Got a lot on your mind, Pisces? At the beginning of this week, you may find that you're practically bursting with exciting new strategies for self-improvement, which could make it difficult to actually decipher the good ideas from the bad ones. Avoid going down unnecessary rabbit holes by identifying the practices that'll be most helpful to you in this moment and going after them with gusto. Come mid-week, you could be brimming with optimism and ready to embark on a new phase of personal transformation. Meditate on what you want to achieve and put it all in writing.