Sari Sisters by Anitha Rao-Robinson, illustrated by Anoosha Syed

Image | Sari Sisters by Anitha Rao-Robinson, illustrated by Anoosha Syed

(Viking Books for Young Readers)

Critically-acclaimed artist Anoosha Syed brings Anitha Rao-Robinson's stunning text to life in this story about getting dressed up and the enduring bonds between sisters.

Ruhi is ready for her weekend tradition: a dance party with her older sister, Kayra! Everything is ready to go—the music, the lights, the glitterballs—but where is Kayra?

Ruhi finds her sister getting ready for the weekly family gathering and carefully tying a sari for the first time. When Kayra emerges from her room, Ruhi is in awe of her sister and can't wait to wear a sari too. But her mother and sister say she's too young to carry all that fabric without tripping.

Ruhi fears that she's missing out on all the fun that her older sister and the aunties are having upstairs while she's in the basement with the other kids, so Ruhi comes up with an idea to loosen the adults up and bring everyone together: have a sari dance party! Ruhi spends all week learning to tie and pleat with her mom's saris so that she can show everyone the following weekend, and reignite her dance party tradition with her sister. But when the big moment arrives, Ruhi trips and her sari begins to unravel! Luckily her sister is there to help secure the fabric and get them back to their favorite tradition.

This beautifully written story by Anitha Rao-Robinson is about the tight-knit bond between sisters as they navigate adolescent milestones and the beauty of updating traditional customs for a modern audience, and features art by Anoosha Syed—the critically acclaimed and bestselling illustrator of That's Not My Name!, Bilal Cooks Daal, and I Am Perfectly Designed. (From Viking Books for Young Readers)
Sari Sisters is for ages 3-7
Anitha Rao-Robinson is a writer, a conservationist and a former accountant. Her previous books include A Family for Faru, Broken Promises and Broken Worlds. She lives in Milton, Ont.
Anoosha Syed is a Pakistani-Canadian illustrator, writer and character designer for animation. She has illustrated over 40 books, including That's Not My Name!, Bilal Cooks Daal and Lost Stick.