Manitoba children's advocate reports lack of progress on youth suicide and addictions
Brittany Hobson | The Canadian Press | Posted: February 1, 2024 7:22 PM | Last Updated: February 2, 2024
Province hasn't tackled systemic causes, Sherry Gott says
The Manitoba government has yet to tackle systemic causes of youth suicide and addictions despite attempting to address dozens of recommendations put forth by the province's child and youth advocate, a report from the advocate's office suggests.
Sherry Gott, the Manitoba advocate for children and youth, released her annual report card Thursday examining the province's implementation of her office's recommendations since 2018.
It found overall compliance has improved over the past year, but this doesn't always create tangible improvements for children, young adults and their families.
"We have observed a large discrepancy between the overall progress that is being reported on paper and the lived realities, well-being and experiences of young people and their families," said Gott.
"It would be easy to point fingers at the implementing bodies and place the blame … on them, but that wouldn't be fair, nor would it be accurate. Fulfilling children's rights is a shared responsibility, and we fall short of it. Therefore, it is a shared failure."
The release of the report, titled Moving the Dial on Children's Rights in Manitoba, marks the fourth time the advocate's office has tracked progress on its recommendations to public bodies.
Since 2018, the advocate has made 80 recommendations to various government departments, including Families, Justice, Education and Mental Health Services.
The report found some "encouraging" indicators of progress — 32 per cent of recommendations have been completed, while nearly all have seen partial movement.
'Alarming increase'
At the same time, work on some recommendations have stalled or are at a standstill, the report says.
Gott said she's most concerned about recommendations for improving mental health, addictions and disability services.
"This is unacceptable. Delays in implementing these recommendations are particularly alarming, because they directly relate to several of the most pressing children's rights issues that we are observing in the province right now," she said.
"Children, youth and young adults are suffering. They're losing their lives, and we must move as quickly as possible to address them. This isn't just a moral necessity, it is a legal one."
During the 2022-23 fiscal year, there was an "alarming increase" in suicides and overdoses, data from Gott's office says.
There were 37 suicides among the 265 child death notifications the office received during that period, the highest number ever reported by the office. There were also 18 overdose deaths reported during that time.
Gott said programs and mental health supports need to be evidence-based, culturally appropriate and easily accessible.
"We took a look at what is available, and there's the bare minimum available for children, youth and young adults to access."
Province boosts funding
The province announced this week it is increasing funding to programs that support mentorship for Indigenous youth and suicide prevention across Manitoba.
Gott commended the move and said, while it's too early to review the progress of the current NDP government, which came into power in the fall, she hopes to work with them in a collaborative manner.
Families Minister Nahanni Fontaine said she will work closely with Bernadette Smith, the minister responsible for mental health, to address the crisis levels of youth suicide and addictions in the province.
"We want children to thrive and have all the opportunities they deserve, and this report highlights how much work we still need to do," Fontaine said in a statement.
Moving forward, Gott said, recommendations will be more effective and feasible if developed through a process that engages public bodies, service providers and youth.
Gott said her office is also evaluating its own method of developing and monitoring recommendations, with the goal of creating "concrete and lasting" change.
"There is a lot at risk.... The [government] has said children need to live to their 18th birthday. I think they need to live beyond that."