More than 150,000 Manitobans have cast ballots in advance polls, topping 2019's early vote total

About 38,000 more votes compared to 2019 as of Thursday night, Elections Manitoba says

Image | Manitoba legislative building

Caption: Manitobans have two more days to cast their vote ahead of election day on Oct. 3. (Tyson Koschik/CBC)

More than 150,000 Manitobans have already cast their ballots in the 2023 provincial election at the end of the sixth day of advance voting — topping the total number of advance votes in the province's 2019 election, according to Elections Manitoba.
"Advanced voting is going strong and steady," chief electoral officer Shipra Verma said Thursday.
"Overall, advanced voting in Manitoba has significantly increased in comparison to the previous two general elections in 2016 and 2019."
As of Thursday night, 151,700 people had voted in advance polls, which opened last Saturday.
About 113,000 votes were cast during advance voting in 2019 — around 38,000 fewer than the province has already seen this year.
Verma said Manitobans passed the 2019 total sometime on Wednesday. The province's increase in early voter turnout is part of a national trend, she said.
"I think it's a matter of convenience, accessibility and the plans which the voters are making," Verma said Thursday, after advance polls closed for the day.
More than 300 advance polling stations are open. This year, Verma says more locations are in high-traffic areas like universities and colleges.

2 days left

Manitobans have two days left to vote at advance polls. To do so, they must be a Canadian citizen, at least 18 years old on election day and a resident of Manitoba for at least six months before election day in order to vote.
Voters must also bring one piece of government-issued photo ID with their address or two other pieces of ID. Verma encouraged Manitobans to bring their voter ID card with them, if they have one.
Advance voting locations and operating hours, generally from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., can be found online(external link).
"We are hoping more Manitobans will take advantage of advanced voting, make a plan to come out to vote," said Verma.
Election day polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Oct. 3.