Windsor garbage collection moving to biweekly in 2025, with organics picked up weekly

Council voted unanimously to approve change

Image | More garbage

Caption: Windsor city council has voted to move garbage collection to every second week. (Dale Molnar/CBC)

Garbage in Windsor will be collected every two weeks in 2025, Windsor city council decided in a unanimous vote Tuesday night.
It means organic waste like food scraps will be collected weekly. But non-organic waste, like plastics and food wrapping, will be collected every two weeks.
Council is making the move ahead of the city's next garbage collection contract, which will begin in 2025. The move coincides with an organics collecting program also set to begin in 2025.
Council also supported a provision that would add leaf and yard waste collection every two weeks, instead of the current 13-pickup per year schedule, on the opposite weeks from April to November.
As well, councillors approved the addition of a public diaper collection and disposal, as well as the potential addition of special non-organics pickup around the holiday season.
Staff will also report back and develop a comprehensive communications plan that considers residents whose first language is not English, as well as post-secondary students.
The move comes as the province mandates an organics collection program for many municipalities.
City staff addressed concerns about waste volume, as well as pests and smell, noting food waste is what causes those issues — and that will still be collected weekly, as it currently is.