The Deepest Map by Laura Trethewey

Contribution to increasingly urgent conversations about climate change.

Image | BOOK COVER: The Deepest Map by Laura Trethewey

(Goose Lane Editions)

The Deepest Map chronicles the global efforts to map the oceans' floor and obtain an accurate reading of the vast underwater terrain. Documenting Inuit-led crowdsourced mapping in the Arctic and a Texan's quest to become the first man to dive to the deepest point in each ocean, this book explores the world's oceans and fraught questions around deep sea mining.

Media | Fish harvester Hedley Richards remembered; Laura Trethewey and her book, "The Imperilled Ocean."

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When you can read it: July 11, 2023
Laura Trethewey is an author and journalist. Her writing has appeared in the Guardian, the Atlantic and the Walrus. She is the author of the book The Imperilled Ocean: Human Stories from a Changing Sea.