Turnout at Windsor advance polls up more than 80% over last election, city says

6.6% of voters cast a ballot in advance polls

Image | windsor residents

Caption: Windsor residents cast their ballots in advance polls at the Capri Pizzeria Recreation Complex. (Jennifer La Grassa/CBC)

Advance voter turnout has increased by more than 80 per cent in Windsor compared with the last election, city officials say.
So far, more than 10,000 people have cast a ballot in the municipal election, a turnout of 6.6 per cent.
In the previous election, advanced turnout was just under 3.6 per cent.
Windsor held eight days of advance voting this year, compared with five in 2018.
The last chance for advance voting was Sunday. Election day throughout Ontario is Monday, Oct. 24.
This year, election day falls on Diwali, when many in the Sikh and Hindu communities will be celebrating.