Still deciding on a new year's resolution? Our January logo might give you some ideas
CBC Arts | Posted: January 3, 2022 3:30 PM | Last Updated: January 3, 2022
New year, new start, new CBC Arts logo! Jessa Dupuis tells us the story behind her mixed-media collage
Every month, we feature a new take on the CBC Arts logo created by a Canadian artist. Check out our previous logos!
I don't know what your new year's resolution might be, but Jessa Dupuis has hers picked out, and she's included it in this logo design for January.
"Enjoy life!" That's the message that the artist (previously seen in this CBC Arts tutorial video) is carrying with her into 2022, and she told us more about the origins of this cheerful collage when she answered our questions over email.
Name: Jessa Dupuis
Age: 39
Homebase: Vancouver Island, B.C.
Let's talk about your logo! What's the story behind the concept?
I set out working in the spirit of the upcoming new year: new ideas, new beginnings — and of course, new resolutions! I love a fresh start and calendar year; it's the ultimate opportunity to remix and transform our weird and wonderful selves. We get to imagine something new from something old and be full of hope and excitement for the year to come.
How did you hit upon the phrase "enjoy life?" Why did you want to include it in the design?
I'm sure everyone is feeling what I've been feeling. The past (almost two?!) years have been rough — to put it lightly. Coming into this next year, it looks like we have more COVID challenges ahead of us, so most definitely I decided I must make one of my resolutions: "enjoy life." I think this may be my only resolution for 2022! I'm going to do my best to keep my eyes, heart and mind open to all the little things that I can enjoy, and I am going to enjoy them.
How long have you been making mixed-media work like this? What do you love about the format?
I've been making glorious messes for about five or six years. My youngest was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes when she was two, and it rocked our world a bit — so much so that I found I desperately needed some art therapy time.
I use digital collage/illustration as a graphic designer, so I thought I'd give the hands-on paper version a try. It hooked me almost immediately. I think I love everything about it, but hunting through old books and magazines for collage material is probably my favourite thing. I started adding more mixed-media techniques into my work just a few years ago. This mainly happened because my kiddos wanted to make messes with me, and paint was their go-to so I joined in and found I liked that too! :P
On your website, you write that people need "weird art" in their lives. Actually, I noticed you use that phrase — weird art — a lot online. Tell me more about that! What's weird art, anyway? Is your art weird? What's weird about it?
Weird is such an odd and fantastic thing to be and enjoy. When I use the word "weird," I mean it in the most fabulous way; it's a great thing to be strange or different from everyone else. To let your fanciful ideas and viewpoint shine is what makes life exciting and full. Many years ago, I came across this quote by Ezra Croft: "People need art in their houses. They don't need Bed Bath and Beyond dentist-office art. They need weird stuff." I stick by this every day. In my art, I keep my head down and focus on creating pieces that make me happy. Period. I don't share all the art I make with social media; perhaps "share more weird art" could be my second resolution for 2022! I have to admit, though, I like to keep some of my weird stuff just for me.
Perhaps 'share more weird art' could be my second resolution for 2022! - Jessa Dupuis, artist
What's the project you're most proud of?
This is a tricky question for me to answer. Showing up every day and creating/collaging for myself may have to be one of the things I'm most proud of. It's not always easy with life and work.
A recent project I am proud of is the design and digital collage illustrations for Paula Audrey Rivero's new book I Am Awesome! It's a lovely book for young kids with a positive outlook and message.
Who's the last artist you discovered online?
Oh. My. Goodness. Kami Goertz makes these fantastic (weird) little nature creatures/characters. Her work absolutely made my day when I found it.
What work of art do you wish you owned?
Can I only choose one? I can't! So here are four: a circular screen-printed/mixed-media beauty by Isadora Stowe, a paper bouquet piece by Emily Filler, anything by Seonna Hong and an original acrylic painting with orcas by Luke Ramsey.
Any new projects that you can tell us about? What are you working on these days?
Well, I know my No. 1 resolution for 2022 is to enjoy life, which means a lot more mixed media collages in the works! I have a few other fun (secret) things coming as well, but ... they're secret! So stay tuned!
Where can we see more from you?
I'm on Instagram (@jessadupuis), and you could visit my sporadically updated website!
This conversation has been edited and condensed.