What we know and don't know about the damage COVID-19 can do to your body: Live replay
CBC News | Posted: September 30, 2020 5:41 PM | Last Updated: October 1, 2020
Join our live interview on Thursday at noon on Facebook, send us your questions and comments
Back in March, David Capizzano, 26, was hit with some very serious COVID-like symptoms before testing was widespread. He says the virus "really does knock the wind out of you." During our Facebook Live Thursday at noon, he and Dr. Jeremy Hirota, a lung immunologist at McMaster University, talk about what we know and don't know about the damage COVID can do to your body.
What do the symptoms feel like? How does it feel different than the flu? What do we know about the long-term effects on the lungs? We'll ask these questions and more. They'll join the CBC's Conrad Collaco.
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