Junction East — Sudbury's new library/art gallery could have added costs

Design work for the downtown project set to begin soon — including elements that could add $8-10M to price tag

Image | DO NOT USE-- OUTDATED-- The Junction Sudbury

Caption: Design work is set to begin soon for the library and art gallery portion of the city's Junction project. It was originally planned to be built at the site of the Sudbury arena, but council later voted to relocate it to Shaughnessy St. (Submitted by the City of Greater Sudbury)

The design process for Sudbury's new library and art gallery is set to begin this summer, and the design could include elements that would add to the cost.
The facility will be part of the city's Junction project in the downtown. The other part — known as Junction West — will be a convention and performance centre.
During city council Tuesday evening, manager Ian Wood presented councillors with an update on the city's large capital projects.
After some delays due to staffing issues and COVID-19, Wood said staff is once again focused on evaluating proposals for the design and engineering contract.
"We are hard at it again and getting very close to making this decision and this award," Wood said.
Wood says he expects the city to award the contract in the next six weeks or so.

Concerns over 'escalating' costs

In his update, Wood noted potential extra costs associated with the project — something that prompted some councillors to raise concerns.
Council originally approved a $46 million budget for Junction East — with a budget of $112 million for the entire Junction project. So far, the city has spend about $1.09 million.
However, Wood said the city plans to include "additional space and other considerations into the design work."
He said more space will be needed to accommodate new partners the city is working with — the Sudbury Theatre Centre and the Sudbury Multicultural and Folk Arts Association.
He also said the design would include what he calls a "parking solution," since the site on Shaughnessy St. will eliminate 100 parking spots downtown.
He said the additional design elements would add roughly $8 to 12 million to the cost.

Image | Joscelyne Landry-Altmann

Caption: Coun. Joscelyne Landry-Altmann raised concerns about possible added costs for the Junction East project. (Submitted by The City of Greater Sudbury)

While the additional costs would have to be approved by council, councillor Joscelyne Landry-Altmann said she was concerned that the design was going ahead "with the assumption that this will be greenlighted."
"I find that the costs are escalating," she said.
"I would certainly like to have a better report on exactly where there $8 to 12 million is to be allocated before it goes to a conceptual design."
Council voted to ask staff to prepare a more detailed report about the project — including the breakdown of money spent so far — to present at the next council meeting.