For Pride and Indigenous History Month, Margaret August remixed the CBC logo

The two-spirit Coast Salish artist answers our questionnaire

Image | Margaret August

Caption: June logo by Margaret August. (Margaret August)

Every month, we feature a new take on the CBC Arts logo created by a Canadian artist. Check out our previous logos(external link).
The rainbow colours of Pride mix with traditional Coast Salish art in this month's logo design, created by two-spirit artist Margaret August.
There's a salmon motif that's been added to the piece. "Salmon is a common source of food on the west coast," August explains over email, "and in art, the fish often symbolizes wealth and prosperity." Read more from the artist below. She answered our CBC Arts questionnaire.

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Name: Margaret August
Age: 37
Homebase: Victoria
Let's talk about your design! What inspired your take on the CBC Arts logo?
I created four salmon faces that surround the centre and added Pride colours to match the timing of Pride. I felt inspired to design the salmons because the CBC logo has a similar Salish symmetry.
What had you originally planned to be doing this June? How is COVID-19 affecting your day-to-day life right now?
I was going to be heading to L.A. to be a part of a group exhibition called "Transform." I'd submitted two paintings for it. And then I was going to be headed to the Yukon to attend an arts festival called Adäka.
What's the project you're most proud of?
It is difficult to choose my favourite. But I would have to say that apprenticing with Dylan Thomas last year in 2019 was the most amazing experience. It has significantly changed my skills and knowledge of the ancient practice of Coast Salish art. I wrote a grant to work with him and was selected to do so.
What's your favourite place to see art?
I really enjoy viewing/studying artifacts in books and databases. This is where the best work comes from.
What work of art do you wish you owned?
I wish that I owned more of Susan Point(external link)'s work.
Where can we see more from you?
On Facebook (@CoastSalishMAUGUST83(external link)), Instagram (@salish_artist_margaretaugust(external link)) or my website link).
This conversation has been edited and condensed.