Cornwall budget passes with projected surplus, COVID-19 contingency fund
CBC News | Posted: April 18, 2020 8:00 PM | Last Updated: April 18, 2020
Residents will see no increase in municipal taxes and water and sewer rates, mayor says
The Town of Cornwall passed its $6.2 million operating budget Thursday night with a projected surplus of $970,000.
The budget includes a $25,000 COVID-19 contingency fund. There will be no increases in municipal taxes or in water and sewer rates, says Minerva McCourt.
"I feel very positive about it. I think with no increased rate of taxes as well as our water and sewer you know I feel confident going forward, as confident as one can expect in these times," she said.
McCourt said the finances are in good shape thanks to continued growth and a new revenue sharing agreement with the province.
She said any realized budget surplus will be put toward capital projects such as an affordable housing study, more electric vehicle charging stations, an active transportation path on Main Street, trails, baseball field lighting and transit.