Metis museum in downtown Winnipeg?

The Manitoba Métis Federation is planning to build a national Métis museum in downtown Winnipeg.
A feasibility study and business plan has been completed on the Métis National Heritage Centre, which the federation would like to build in Bonnycastle Park, near the corner of Assiniboine Avenue and Main Street.
The 40,000 square-foot facility is expected to cost a minimum of $20 million to build; the federal and provincial governments have invested almost $250,000 combined to date.
Operational funding for the facility has yet to be secured, but the federation is still optimistic and hopes to start construction by 2008.
"It will not be your normal type of museum that is artifact-driven," said Métis federation spokesman Grant Anderson.
"What we are hoping to do is have this thing be seven days a week, 24 hours a day place where there is a vibrant type of facility, where people can come in and do some learning, do some reading, do research, play areas for children, and at the same time, do some education and tell a story that is probably unique in the world."
Operational funding aside, the federation must still address another issue: city officials say they have not been approached about using the land at Bonnycastle Park.
In fact, city politicians and administration say they have no knowledge of the project.
The Métis Federation says it did have discussions with the city, but with the office of former mayor Glen Murray. The federation admits it has not yet approached the city's new administration, but says it's on the "to-do" list.