The House at the End of the Road

Kari Rust

Image | The House at the End of the Road by Kari Rust

One summer, while exploring the town during their annual stay at Grandma's house, two siblings and their cousin come across a creepy old house. The kids poke around, one of them causing mischief and tossing rocks at the window, until they glimpse a ghost through the glass! Later, Grandma reveals the house doesn't belong to a ghost — just old Mr. Peterson.
After visiting again with better intentions, the kids discover Mr. Peterson's great sense of humour and that his house is full of fascinating things: old toys, photographs, even a film projector.
They become regular visitors, until one day, Mr. Peterson is gone: he has left for a retirement home, and his house sits empty. Using odds, ends and gifts he gave them, the kids create mementos of Mr. Peterson's home to give back to him.
Full of heart, this picture book incorporates graphic novel elements to tell a layered and moving story about an intergenerational friendship. It shows how appearances can be deceiving: sometimes the best adventure awaits where you least expect it. (From Owlkids Books)
The House at the End of the Road will be available in Sept. 2019.
Kari Rust is a Victoria-based author, educator and illustrator. She is also the author of the 2017 picture book Tricky.