Game of Thrones leaves takeout coffee cup in a scene, sparks hilarious internet deluge
CBC Radio | Posted: May 6, 2019 5:26 PM | Last Updated: May 6, 2019
Some believe the caffeine-heavy gaffe was intentional, others have dubbed Daenerys 'Drinker of Pumpkin Spice'
Last night, millions of viewers tuned in to the feverishly anticipated fourth episode of Game of Thrones' final season, and more than a few caught something that was decidedly out of place in the GoT universe: a takeout coffee cup.
The unmistakable white paper cup, complete with a cardboard sleeve and a white lid, appears for a split second in a scene where Tormund is lauding Jon Snow for his heroism — which did not involve soy lattés or caramel macchiatos.
Soon after, Twitter was alight with fans' responses — with many expressing dismay that something so glaring could have been missed, others theorizing that it was intentional, and many cracking wise about the caffeine-heavy gaffe.
"Daenerys Stormborn of House Targaryen, the First of Her Name, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Protector of the Seven Kingdoms, the Mother of Dragons, the Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, the Unburnt, the Breaker of Chains, and Drinker of Pumpkin Spice," quipped one Twitter user.
Another pointed out that last week, the cinematographer was criticized for making the episode too dark, but now he gets the last laugh.
Some had fun with the Starbucks ordering potential:
Some took things a step further:
Some expressed sheer dismay:
Some offered forgiving explanations:
And not-so-forgiving explanations:
Some imagined the branding potential:
Some imagined the fix:
And some poked fun at those poking fun:
So was it intentional? A little twist? An inside joke? A product placement scheme? According to executive producer Bernie Caulfield it was a mistake, plain and simple.
"We're sorry!" Caulfield said in an interview with WNYC radio, then came up with a more colourful explanation. "Westeros was the first place to actually, you know, have Starbucks."