Tyler lives in Summerside with his mom Shelley, dad Brian, and younger sister Torie. He attends Athena Consolidated and loves music, gymnastics, hockey and basketball.
Image | Tyler MacLeod
Caption: Students at Hernewood display a sign with Tyler's motto, the sky is the limit. (Shane Hennessey/CBC)
Image | Tyler MacLeod
Caption: Tyler receives a mock cheque in the amount of $275 from Bloomfield Elementary School. (Shane Hennessey/CBC)
Image | Bloomfield
Caption: Students at Bloomfield Elementary show their support for the Easter Seals ambassador. (Shane Hennessey/CBC)
Image | Tyler MacLeod
Caption: Tyler has been criss-crossing the province on a shuttle bus collecting donations for Easter Seals of P.E.I. (Shane Hennessey/CBC)