Transgender, non-binary, two-spirit options on Edmonton census for first time
Natasha Riebe | CBC News | Posted: March 29, 2019 7:57 PM | Last Updated: March 29, 2019
The last municipal census in 2016 listed only man, woman or other as choices
For the first time, Edmonton residents will be able to identify themselves as transgender, non-binary or two-spirit in a municipal census.
The 2019 municipal census starts April 1 with expanded options under the gender question.
The gender identity options will include: transgender male, transgender female, non-binary, two-spirit, gender not listed, or prefer not to answer.
The last municipal census in 2016 offered the options of man/boy; woman/girl or other.
That census report shows Edmonton had 899,447 people with 463,472 identifying as female, 434,763 as male and 1,212 as other.
Iain MacLean, the city's director of elections and census, said it's important for all Edmontonians to feel included and be counted.
"We heard pretty loud and clear that we had a whole section of the population that didn't feel they could be included in the census and that they were being relegated to something called 'other,'" MacLean said.
City clerk Linda Sahli said the goal is to be inclusive and more accurate.
"'Man, woman, other' doesn't provide the city with very accurate information," Sahli said. "While [updating gender options is] progressive on the one hand, it's really about time on the other."
PINs in the mail
The city is sending personal identification numbers to every address starting April 1. Every resident at an address can use the PIN to fill out the census online.
The census form asks three questions: number of people living at a residence, ages and dates of birth of each resident, and gender.
MacLean said the census is integral in planning things like schools, public transit, recreation centres and libraries.
The LGBTQ2 community has been concerned that some facilities don't provide gender-neutral washrooms.
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"This is our city, and this is a snapshot in time of what the city looks like that drives decision, programs, helps us access grant dollars," MacLean said.
It's also useful for non-profits and other corporations in informing their policy decision, he said.
The results are presented in three areas: by neighbourhood, ward and city-wide.
MacLean said the city won't release specific gender results by neighbourhood, but rather in three categories: man/woman/other. The full gender identification will be listed city wide.
The data is heavily protected by the city and results are never revealed by household, he said.
Census workers will start going door to door on April 22 to encourage residents who haven't filled out the form to submit their information.
The city typically conducts a census every two years but the 2018 count was deferred, MacLean said. Another is scheduled for 2020. MacLean said his office will present a long-term plan for future census.
The last federal census in 2016 asked people to identify by sex, with male and female as the listed options.