CBC British Columbia's Michelle Eliot brings BC Today to Nanaimo

Join us for a live broadcast of BC Today on Tuesday, January 29

Image | MichelleEliotBCToday

Caption: Michelle Eliot, host of BC Today

On Wednesday, January 30, all eyes will be on Nanaimo's byelection, and CBC Radio One will be in the action January 29 as BC Today(external link) broadcasts live from The Buzz Coffee House in Nanaimo at 12:00 p.m. PT.
Host Michelle Eliot(external link) will be hearing how Nanaimo residents feel about the vote, and what's at stake in this byelection. Eliot will be joined by Vancouver Island University political scientist Alexander Netherton, and she'll take your calls from around the province.

Image | CBC_BCToday

We look forward to seeing you at The Buzz Coffee House(external link) January 29 at noon PT! Can't make it? Tune in to your local CBC Radio One, or listen live across the province at cbc.ca/bc(external link) or via the CBC Radio App(external link).