Officer used lethal force to protect himself:police chief

Saskatoon's chief of police says the man killed at a convenience store over the weekend pulled a weapon on the officer who shot him.
Andrew Wayne Moore, 35, of Saskatoon was shot dead at the 29th Street Confectionery.
Chief Russell Sabo says there was a warrant out for Moore's arrest on charges of dangerous driving and obstructing a police officer.
Early Friday evening, a constable with 10 years experience spotted Moore on a street corner and tried to arrest him. Moore ran into a nearby store and the officer pursued him.
"A struggle ensued, during which time it was determined that Mr. Moore was holding a loaded handgun," Sabo explained.
"As the struggle continued, the officer repeatedly ordered Mr. Moore to drop the firearm."
Moore refused to comply and continued to resist arrest. Sabo says the officer did try pepper spray first on Moore, but it was ineffective.
He says the officer felt his own life and the lives of others were in danger, so the officer fired at Moore, killing him with one shot to the head.
Sabo says the major crimes unit is continuing its investigation and he expects there will also be a coroner's inquest.