
Gordon Korman

Image | BOOK COVER: WhatsHisFace by Gordon Korman

When 12-year-old Cooper Vega moves for the third time in five years, he receives a state-of-the-art smartphone to help him stay in touch with old friends. He's had phones before, but this one is buggy and unpredictable. When a boy named Roderick Northrop communicates with him through the phone, Cooper realizes that his phone isn't buggy at all: the thing is haunted! (From Scholastic)

From the book

Cooper Vega is invisible.
Okay, not really. But when you're the new kid and people look right through you, it sure feels that way. Cooper is pretty much the world champion at being the new kid, since Stratford Middle is his fifth school in the past three years. He keeps his distance from the visible people on the soccer field to avoid being trampled by mistake. That's another thing about being invisible: It's your job to get out of the way.

From Whatshisface by Gordon Korman ©2018. Published by Scholastic.