You'll seriously never believe what ballet dancers do to break in their pointe shoes
Jeff Hume | Posted: July 19, 2018 4:30 PM | Last Updated: July 19, 2018
Hammers and knives and pliers and destruction and oh my god do they really do this?
OK honestly I know this title sounds like clickbait but I genuinely had no idea that for some dancers, preparing their pointe shoes involves cutting them up with a knife, basically breaking the whole shoe in half, removing a nail with pliers and hitting the hell out of them with a HAMMER. It's a lot.
So this is a post promoting our new series Off Kilter, a ballet world mockumentary that is very funny and you should definitely watch it after you watch Off Kilter's Chelsy Meiss (also a first soloist at the National Ballet of Canada!) absolutely destroy her pointe shoes in this video.
Watch the video:
I mean…
I did not expect this!
Tell me more about Off Kilter, please!
Off Kilter highlights the less glittery parts of the struggle of going from pariah to revered choreographer. Shot as a mockumentary, each of the seven-minute episodes focuses on a different unofficial — but just as necessary — step in the course of (re)building a career. Season 1 spans "The Denial" to "The Disappearance" and demonstrates how a significant part of the process is doing everything you can to avoid the process. Stream the full series now.
Watch the trailer:
Milton Frank was the ballet world's up-and-comer who never up-and-came. After a massive plagiarism scandal, Milton keeps meaning to make a triumphant return to the world of professional ballet. It's been the next thing on his to-do list for 25 years, in fact. But it's not until his comeback gets intertwined with the agendas of a PR genius and an almost-retired ballerina that any of those intentions start to materialize.
Like many brilliant artists, Milton's struggle is to get over the past and out of his own way. A comedy that lingers in the awkward silences as much as it does on the stunning choreography of the acclaimed Shawn Hounsell (Royal Winnipeg Ballet, National Theatre Ballet - Prague), Off Kilter documents the remaking of a man into the critically acclaimed asshole he never got to be in the 90s.
Watch the first episode:
Episode 1: The Denial
Milton Frank has come back to the studio after a 20-year absence, but under no circumstance is anyone to call it a "comeback." This is just for fun. A lark. A whimsical experiment.
Stream all of Off Kilter now on the CBC Player and watch out for new episodes weekly on our YouTube channel.