Heat wave pushes humidex levels to 40 in New Brunswick

Environment Canada warns the heat will persist to the end of the week

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Caption: Environment Canada warns Tuesday will carry the hottest temperatures. (CBC)

As a heat wave continues to beat down on Canadians all over the country, people in New Brunswick are trying to find ways to stay cool.
A heat warning in effect for the entire province says humidity could make the temperature feel like 43 C.
Marshall Hawkins of Enviornment Canada said an air mass that has come up from southern latitudes is likely what is causing the intense heat.
"Once a summer you get a heat wave," he said. "This just seems to be our time after a relatively cold start.
He said temperatures will be at their hottest Tuesday and will persist through the week.
Environment Canada warns that young children, pregnant women, older adults, people with chronic illnesses and people working or exercising outdoors are at greater risk for heat-related illnesses like heat stroke and heat exhaustion.

Staying cool with pets

But pets can be affected as well.
Ayla Poitras, lives in a third-floor apartment in Fredericton, and has a three-year-old Doberman named River who is sensitive to the heat.
"When I get home I'm going to be literally plunking her in the tub and running the cold water over her. She is going to hate me, but it's the only thing that will bring her internal temperature down."
Poitras said she also fills rubber Kong toys with treats and freezes them to help River stave off the heat.

Image | ayla poitras dog

Caption: Ayla Poitras has a three-year-old Doberman who isn't a fan of this heat wave either. (Ayla Potrias/Submitted.)

"I can go somewhere with air conditioning, but I can't take her everywhere."
Environment Canada said to stay in a cool place and drink before you are thirsty.