Proud To Shine Features
CBC News | Posted: June 4, 2018 7:48 PM | Last Updated: June 27, 2018
Nomination Process
To celebrate Pride Month, CBC Toronto invited people to nominate an individual in the LGBTQ+ community they felt deserved the spotlight. After receiving many great entries, you can read about the five Proud To Shine features below, along with why their nominators thought they should be illuminated.
In honour of Pride week in Toronto, one feature will be posted each day from Monday June 18, 2018 to Friday June 22, 2018.
Matt Logue
Volunteer, 519- Space For Change and Hassle Free Clinic
Why he deserves the spotlight, according to his nominator:
"Matt Logue is a remarkable man. Although he came out later than most, he has committed himself tirelessly to enriching Toronto's LGBT community through tireless volunteering, fundraising and participation in community events. I met Matt a few years ago, and encouraged him to volunteer at the Hassle Free Clinic as a way to engage in a community he was new to, and meet new people.
In spite of his growing professional life, Matt was punctual, reliable, committed and an absolute pleasure to work with for more than four years. Every week he showed up, often treating his fellow volunteers to Starbucks, took off his stylish dress shoes and dug in to whatever needed to be done: filing, greeting patients, calmly responding to my Powerpoint hysteria, giving information to clients on the phone, and directing people to the health services and solutions that suited them best.
Matt was also available to provide intake at our satellite HIV testing clinics, always a solid, reliable presence with a kind word and a reassuring smile for anyone that came his way. Matt also volunteers regularly with the 519 - Space For Change, selflessly dedicating his Sunday mornings to serving in their homeless drop-in program.
I would drag myself in at 12 p.m. for our satellite HIV testing clinic every other Sunday and see Matt with a huge smile, his rich deep voice greeting me as I miserably responded I wanted to be with my duvet. Not Matt.
Matt's also creative, and has applied his business acumen to his community involvement by regularly organizing and funding events that encourage his colleagues and friends to learn more about the organizations he volunteers for, the communities they serve, and the impacts of their programming. I could go on, and on, about how incredible Matt's actions are, but they're just a symptom of his great heart and character, and someone who I truly believe embodies what Pride is, what community means, and who intrinsically understands involvement and connectivity as part of his soul, rather than just the outcome of his money and time. And I can't imagine anyone who deserves to shine more than Matt, or whose smile could be a more beautiful symbol of Pride."
Anasimone George
Creator, SHADE Comedy Show
Why she deserves the spotlight, according to her nominator:
"Hosted and created by Anasimone George, SHADE is a hilarious comedy show that showcases comedians of colour, comedians from the LGBT+ community, as well as comedians who identify as women.
SHADE, now over a year old, is headed to the Just For Laughs festival. Anasimone has carved out a space for LGBT+ performers to feel safe, included, and funny! She's even shone light on prejudices she and her performers have faced at various venues in Toronto, forcing many to undergo policy changes and sensitivity training. She is the perfect example of an LGBT+ person making a space for herself and others, in an industry that seldom does. She is a boss!"
Charlie C. Petch
Creator, 'Hot Damn It's a Queer Slam', 'Daughter Of Geppetto' and 'Mel Malarkey Gets the Bum's Rush'
Why they deserved the spotlight, according to their nominator:
"Charlie C Petch is an award winning playwright, spoken word artist, haiku deathmaster, host and musical saw player. Petch is touring two spoken word theatre pieces, their multimedia piece "Daughter Of Geppetto and their vaudeville play "Mel Malarkey Gets the Bum's Rush" which got "Best of 2017" from Electric City Magazine for the radio play accompanying album "Odes & Acts".
They have published books with Wordpress and LyricalMyrical and poems with Descant, The Toronto Quarterly, Matrix and Oratorealis journals. Petch is the creative director of "Hot Damn It's A Queer Slam" a multi-city touring poetry slam series.
Both of their shows are queer/trans themed, Charlie identifies as trans as well as queer and living with a disability. 'Hot Damn' is the focus, and they are also partners with "Capturing Fire: The International Queer Summit & Slam in Washington, DC. Charlie takes the show to smaller towns in southern Ontario and provides platforms and stages for featured artists and anyone who wants to sign up, with an emphasis on booking in accessible places. Charlie has a long history of supporting the arts and artists that may otherwise not have safe spaces to perform their groundbreaking work."
Dr. Helena Frecker
Doctor, Open Arms OB/GYN
Why she deserved the spotlight, according to her nominator:
"I would like to nominate Dr. Helena Frecker for her constant dedication and passion in providing safe and inclusive care for the LGBT+ community, particularly for gender diverse patients.
She is tirelessly involved in education, research, advocacy, and policy development to improve the clinical care and services offered to trans or gender diverse individuals. For a clinician so early in her career (second year out in practice), Helena is trying to change the culture of gynecology in Toronto and across Canada to better reflect, support and offer excellence in care to gender diverse patients.
Dr. Helena Frecker was instrumental in establishing a care policy for gender diverse individuals at Saint Michael's hospital. At Michael Garron hospital, she helps lead an LGBT+ working group establishing safe and inclusive care policies, developing patient partnerships, and working towards establishing thefirst gender neutral family birthing unit in Canada.
She has ensured that the hospital has a presence at Toronto Pride for the last two years. She is on the Cancer Care Ontario committee establishing policy on cervical screening for transgender people. In addition to general OB/GYN services, Dr. Frecker offers gender confirming surgery in the form of hysterectomy BSO for transmale patients and provides post-operative care to trans individuals who have had other gender confirming surgeries, including vaginoplasty, phalloplasty, and metoidioplasty.
She has done a surgical observership at GRS Montreal to familiarize herself with these surgeries. Patients come to see Helena for her excellent clinical care, but above all for the safe inclusive space that she offers during the challenging time of transition and surgery.
To ensure that this safe place exists within multiple clinical care areas, she is constantly providing advocacy and education throughout the medical system. She presents on the topic of providing safe spaces to medical students, family physicians and gynecologists across Ontario and Canada. She also has spoken on the topic of clinical care during medical and surgical transitioning for trans patients at local and national conferences throughout Canada and the US.
Her recent research has focused on barriers to accessing gynecologic or reproductive care for gender diverse individuals and this has illuminated the significant need for culture change in the field of gynecology. It is not a small thing trying to change the direction, language and habits of a medical system entrenched and informed by dominant culture. Dr. Helena Frecker does this every day of her clinical practice - first and foremost for her patients and secondly by providing the advocacy, research, education and policy development that is so greatly needed in the field of gynecology."
Rahim Thawer
Registered Social Worker & Pyschotherapist
Why he deserves the spotlight, according to his nominator:
"Rahim Thawer is a registered social worker and psychotherapist, activist and lecturer. He uses cognitive-behavioural and psychodynamic therapy tools in his practice. Rahim's approach is rooted in values of harm reduction, being queer/trans-affirming, sex-positivity and anti-oppression.
For some clients, it might also be valuable to know and powerfully affirming that Rahim identifies as gay, Muslim and a person of colour. Rahim also stewards TQTT, an invaluable listserve connecting queer therapists in the GTA. By way of all he does, Rahim is a key player in education, service delivery, training and support for LGBT+ clients. His role in supporting queer therapists and effective client services in the community is unparalleled. Rahim thawer is truly deserving of recognition as he is making a huge impact and initiative for positive change for both queer clients, therapists and the community."