A year of change ahead for Waterloo region in 2018

From mortgages to minimum wage, there are big changes in store for the new year

Image | legislature fireworks

Caption: Starting on Jan 1, residents in Kitchener-Waterloo can expect changes to mortgage rules, minimum wage and more. (CBC)

The region will be seeing a lot of changes in the coming year. Here are some things to expect and keep your eyes out for in 2018.

Changes to the minimum wage

Ontario's minimum wage will increase from $11.60 an hour to $14 an hour, starting in January. The province also plans to increase the minimum wage to $15 per hour in 2019.

Mortgage changes

Canada's top banking regulator, the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions (OSFI), released new mortgage rules in October. The rules require all borrowers, including those who are uninsured, to do a "stress test" showing they can withstand higher interest rates. These rules come into effect on Jan 1. Previously, only insured borrowers had to undergo such a test. ​

LRT starts running

According Waterloo's regional council, the LRT vehicles will be running by early spring. Regional councillor Tom Galloway said the vehicles were suppose to be operating by December 2017, but because Bombardier delayed delivery, the region had to postpone the launch date.

Pot stores open

Cambridge, Guelph, Waterloo and Kitchener will get provincially run marijuana storefronts next summer. The LCBO will oversee a total of 40 marijuana shops in the province in 2018, with the number rising to 80 by July 2019. The exact physical locations are yet to be determined.

Provincial elections

The official date for the upcoming provincial election is June 7, 2018. A few ridings have been redrawn and a new one, called Kitchener South-Hespeler, has been created. In addition, 15 new seats are added and parties can now be funded by tax-payer money.

Municipal elections

Voters in Waterloo region will also be electing their city and regional representatives, as well as school board trustees, on Oct. 22, 2018. Because of changes to the Municipal Elections Modernization Act, individuals who wish to run as candidates can now file their nomination papers starting on May 1.
Nomination forms will be released in April, with a new requirement to have 25 supporting signatures to accompany an application. The nomination period closes on July 27 at 2 p.m.

Smoking on hospital property

A new provincial bylaw has banned smoking from any hospital property, coming into effect on Jan. 1. Smokers who violate this rule will face a $305.00 fine.