Age ain't nothing but a number: How a champion body builder stays young

Image | Peter Nicoll

Caption: Peter Nicoll (Submitted by Peter Nicoll)

75-year-old Peter Nicoll says thinking young means staying young, but it might have more to do with his exercise routine, considering he's a champion bodybuilder.
"The big thing is, because I'm active, you know, the exercise helps keeps me healthy, gives me energy, [a] good appetite."
Inspired by a friend of a similar build, Peter began training and competing for competitions when he was 66 years old. Now, Peter says if it weren't for his fitness and training, health complications in recent years could have killed him.
"That's why I feel exercise is so important. Like I say, think young, stay young. Think old and die young. That's my motto."
"Why shouldn't one be doing this at their age?...I guess the misconception, probably, they figure life is over."
This story originally aired on October 8, 2017. It appears in the Out in the Open episode "Ageineg*".