The Terminal Experiment

Robert J. Sawyer

Image | BOOK COVER: The Terminal Experiment by Robert J. Sawyer

Dr. Peter Hobson has created a monster. Three of them, in fact. In order to test his theories of immortality and life after death, he has created three electronic simulations of his own personality. The first Hobson has all memory of physical existence edited out. It will simulate life after death. The second Hobson is without knowledge of aging or death. It will simulate immortality. The third Hobson is unmodified. A control. But now all three of them have escaped from Hobson's computer into the web. And one of them is a killer... (From Penguin Canada)
The Terminal Experiment won the Nebula Award for best novel of 1995.

From the book

Sandra Philo probed the memories of Peter Hobson.
The horror, she learned, had started in 1995, sixteen years ago. Back then, Peter Hobson hadn't been the center of a controversy about science and faith that was shaking the world. No, back then he was simply a twenty-six-year-old grad student at the University of Toronto, doing his master's degree in biomedical engineering — a student who was about to have the shock of his life...

From The Terminal Experiment by Robert J. Sawyer ©1995. Published by Penguin Canada.