
Homage to David Bowie doesn't quite gel in Starman

Image | Starman Fringe

Caption: (WTFunk Productions)

Rating: ★★
Company: WTFunk Productions
Genre: Play - Drama
Venue: 3 — Pantages Studio
Purchase Tickets(external link)
E.T. meets David Bowie in this story of a suicidal young man and the star that falls into his mom's flower bed tasked with helping him "find his light" before he moves on to the afterworld.
Writer/performer Kelsey Funk calls this her homage to David Bowie. Whereas Bowie tried on one persona at a time, however, Starman tries too hard to be everything at once.
The plot addresses suicide, sexual confusion, romance and new age philosophy while building a mythology for the titular Starman. However, that never quite gels. The staging mixes musical theatre and contemporary dance into a dialogue-heavy two hander.
There are highlights. The script has some good jokes (a conversation with Siri is not a new idea, but the sequence stands out here) and the live musical accompaniment of instrumental Bowie covers is sublime.
This Starman gets points for ambition, but didn't blow my mind. - Kelly Stifora
In the end, this Starman gets points for ambition, but didn't blow my mind.​
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