No Place Like Home

Opening night routine was disastrous - but stand up comic perseveres to the end

Image | No Place Like Home Fringe

Caption: (Elaine Phillips)

Rating: ★★
Company: Elaine Phillips
Genre: Stand-Up
Venue: 2- MTC Up The Alley
Purchase Tickets(external link)
Elaine Philips' opening night stand-up performance was an unmitigated disaster. This is not an opinion. If you ask Philips about the show she will be certain to say the same thing.
Intended to be a series of amusing anecdotes about her time travelling all over the world, Philips visibly struggled to recall any segment from beginning to end. Because she was working so hard to remember the material, Philips did not have the requisite energy and ego to land her jokes. Mostly everything fell terribly flat.
Displaying a great deal of chutzpah, Philips did persevere to the bitter end. And the opening night audience did Winnipeg proud. After depleting her own material, helpful members of the audience prompted Philips with questions about her life and travels in order to help her complete her set.
One bad performance or an ill-conceived Fringe entry? You pays your money and you takes your chances. - Michelle Palansky
Was this one bad performance or an ill-conceived Fringe entry? With no previous knowledge of this comedian it is impossible to tell. You pays your money and you takes your chances.
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