The Man Who Sold the World

Trippy political play meanders too much for meaning

Image | Burning Man who sold the world fringe

Caption: (David Ortolano)

Rating: ★★
Company: David Ortolano
Genre: Play - Dramedy
Venue: 2- MTC Up The Alley
Purchase Tickets(external link)
You'll find this show in your Fringe program under the title Burning Man Who Sold the World. And while it's a surprisingly timely piece, it feels like it needs more than a title change to make its message sing.
This curious solo show by Colorado's David Ortolano (with music by Kendall Perry) is a dream-like stream of consciousness exploration of corruption and how bad leaders come to power. While it may sound like a post-Trump play, Ortolano says he actually wrote it back in 2002 (with some modifications after the latest election in his home country).
And certainly, that's all rich territory. But the meandering piece takes a lot of trippy detours and gets bogged down in philosophical platitudes about reality and truth — worth exploring in an "alternative facts" world, but not explored deeply enough in the sometimes rambling monologue.
It feels like there's the start of a really interesting piece here, but right now, it wanders too much to sell me on it. - Joff Schmidt
Ortolano is an earnest, sincere and likable performer, and those who like their Fringe very trippy indeed might enjoy this. But while it feels like there's the start of a really interesting piece here, right now, it wanders too much to sell me on it.
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