Edgar Allan

This delicious tale is a dark comic treat worth sinking your teeth into

Image | Edgar Allan

Caption: (The Coldharts)

Rating: ★★★★★
Company: The Coldharts
Genre: Play - Dramedy
Venue: 2- MTC Up The Alley
Purchase Tickets(external link)
The gently sweet sound of a ukulele and a sinister smile set the stage for this darkly delicious tale, inspired by Edgar Allan Poe.
With a sometimes slow, but sinister, build, it follows Edgar Allan, an over-achieving and precocious boarding school student confident in his superiority until he meets a new classmate with whom he shares more than a few similarities.
A relationship develops between the two misfits that's both a strange friendship and a fierce rivalry.
Katie Hartman plays the loquacious Edgar with gawkish and malevolent glee, savouring the script's sharp writing. Nick Ryan's raspy-voiced turn as Edgar's rival is delightfully odd.
Edgar Allan is a dark comic treat. - Joff Schmidt
A dark comic treat.
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