Fishing off the front stoop: Stunning photos of Grand River flooding

More than 100 mm of rain fell in the northern part of the river's watershed, causing major local flooding

Image | West Montrose B and B

Caption: Rain caused water levels in the Grand River to rise quickly. Olde Bridge Place, a bed and breakfast in West Montrose near the covered bridge, was affected by flooding on the weekend. (Dee Gow)

The Grand River flooded this past week, after more than 100 millimetres of rain fell in the northern part of river's watershed early Friday morning.
West Montrose residents saw the river overrun its banks, lapping at the steps of Olde Bridge Place, a bed and breakfast near the covered bridge, and filling basements with floodwater.
Take a look at pictures of the Grand River over the past week in Waterloo Region.

Image | Fishing

Caption: A young boy fishes off the steps of the Olde Bridge Place in West Montrose. The Grand River flooded and water rose right up to the edge of the bed and breakfast. (Dee Gow)

Image | West Montrose flooding

Caption: A garbage can and a wagon float down the Grand River under the West Montrose Covered Bridge. (Dee Gow)

Image | Grand River West Montrose flooding

Caption: A plastic lawnchair and a metal bucket caught in a tree near the West Montrose Covered Bridge. The Grand River flooded over the weekend due to high rainfall over a short period of time. (Dee Gow)

Image | Flooded basement

Caption: A view from the top of the stairs of Barb Dowling's flooded basement in West Montrose. Dowling's home is near the Grand River. (Barb Dowling)

Image | Grand River in Elora

Caption: The Grand River behind businesses in Elora creeps up to the steps behind Amy Corner's home. (Submitted by: Amy Corner)

Image | Downtown Galt

Caption: Vanessa Pejovic sent this photo of the Grand River in downtown Galt on the evening of Saturday, June 24. Rainfall on Thursday and Friday caused water levels to rise dramatically and led to some local flooding. (Vanessa Pejovic)

Image | Flattened Grass

Caption: Jawad Ghafoor sent in this photo of grass flatted by floodwaters on the banks of the Grand River. (Jawad Ghafoor)

Image | Grand Valley flooding

Caption: Access to the Main Street bridge in Grand Valley has been closed, due to high water levels on the Grand River. 'Have never seen the river this high since we've lived here,' tweets Dave Park (@DarrenMaunu/Twitter)