Fight cougars and bears if they attack, province says

Bears are coming out of hibernation and are looking to establish their turf

Image | Ian Murray put plenty of kilometres on his truck tracking down the bears.

Caption: The cubs are cute but an angry mother is not. (Ian Murray)

With summer looming, predators are looking to establish new territory and feed their young — and sometimes that results in human interaction.
The Saskatchewan government is advising anyone who is attacked by a predatory animal to fight back.
People are advised to properly store food and garbage. Leaving them out in the open attracts bears and other predators.
If anyone encounters a potentially dangerous animal, they are advised to call conservation officers at 1-800-667-7561 or #5555 from your cellphone.

If you encounter a bear:

  • If you're attacked, fight back.
  • Stay calm, keep quiet and do not run.
  • Don't look directly at the bear. Slowly back away and take a wide detour.
  • Stay away from the cubs or mama bear will intervene.
  • Do not feed bears or they will lose their natural fear of humans.
  • Drop things in your possession to distract the bear as a last resort.
  • Keep your pet on a leash. An unleashed animal may aggravate predators.

If you encounter a cougar:

  • Keep calm and do not run.
  • Make it known you're not prey: appear big as possible, shout loudly and throw stuff at it.
  • Back away to a safe distance and keep eye contact.
  • Never play dead with any situation involving a cougar.
  • After a cougar has left, keep an eye out until you get to safety.
  • If it attacks, fight back and use any weapon you can.