Playgrounds test high for arsenic: study

High levels of arsenic have been found in many playgrounds in seven Canadian cities, according to a new report.
A study by Environmental Defence Canada tested playground structures made from pressure-treated wood and the soil around the playground.
Samples were taken from Toronto, Vancouver, Edmonton, Winnipeg, Ottawa, Montreal and Halifax.
More than 24 playgrounds had arsenic levels above federal health guidelines. Half of them tested at more than twice the guidelines.
Two-thirds of those tested in Toronto had high levels. The worst was found in Etobicoke, at the Thorncrest Parkette. Arsenic levels were 147 parts per million (ppm), more than 12 times the level recommended by Health Canada.
"There is lots and lots of arsenic coming from that wood and leaching into the sand and our kids are playing in it," Mausberg told CBC TV.
Arsenic is known to cause cancer and can damage the brain, nervous and immune systems.
CCA, chromated copper arsenate, is used to protect lumber from decay and insect damage. Pressure-treated wood is often used in playgrounds and patios.
Lumber companies in the United States have agreed to phase out the use of CCA in pressure-treated wood by this year.
According to the Canadian Institute of Treated Wood, 80 per cent of the treated wood sold in Canada used CCA.
Switzerland, Vietnam and Indonesia have banned pressure-treated wood. Seven other countries have proposed restrictions.
Health Canada maintains CCA is a safe product and is reviewing the matter.
Environmental groups recommend the industry use alkaline copper quat as an alternative. ACQ costs about 10 per cent more.
Current structures should be sealed every year with deep, penetrating oil-based sealants.
The report recommends:
  • always wash your hands after handling CCA-treated wood
  • avoid hand-to-mouth (eating, drinking) activities after touching the wood
  • never eat any food that may have come in contact with the wood
  • never allow children to eat or dig sand near CCA-treated wood
Moberly, Sunset
Edmonton Primrose, Rosslyn, Queen Mary, Calder, Prince Rupert
Winnipeg John Franklin CC
Ottawa Sandy Hill
Montreal Riverside Chalet, Godin, Leroux
Halifax Commons
Toronto Thorncrest, Dufferin Grove, Mossgrove, Elm, Futura, Norseman, Keele/Mulock, Cedarvale, Gladhurst, Pelmo, Wells Hill, Dovercourt, Ted Reeve, Norwood, Muirhead, Talara, Grange, Shawnee, Swanek, Pinto, Martin Goodman, Bayview Village, Sentinel, Old Sheppard