Underground to Canada

Barbara Smucker

Image | BOOK COVER: Underground to Canada by Barbara Smucker

Based partially on a true story, Underground to Canada by Barbara Smucker follows a young slave girl, Julilly, in the American South. When her master falls ill, she and her mother are separated. What comes is a thrilling story of Julilly's journey, as she tries to escape to Canada using the Underground Railroad.
Underground to Canada is for readers ages 9 and up.

From the book

Mammy Sally paused. She pressed her mouth against Julilly's ear. "This is secret talk I'm telling you now. Hold it quiet in your head and never let it out of your mouth. There's a place the slaves have been whisperin' around called Canada. The law don't allow no slavery there. They say you travel north and follow the North Star, and when you step onto this land you are free."

From Underground to Canada by Barbara Smucker ©1977. Published by Penguin Canada.